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Þorri and Þura's christmas adventure

„Leikhópurinn Miðnætti leggur metnað í að töfra fram barnasýningar sem byggja á sterkum grunni, hljómþýðum sönglögum og skýrri framsetningu. Vonandi taka fleiri leikhópar sér Miðnætti til fyrirmyndar í framtíðinni.“

- Fréttablaðið

Script. music and lyrics:
Agnes Wild and Sigrún Harðardóttir

Director: Sara Marti Guðmundsdóttir
Cast: Agnes Wild, Sigrún Harðardóttir, Sveinn Óskar Ásbjörnsson.

Music: Sigrún Harðardóttir
Set- costume- and puppet design:
Eva Björg Harðardóttir
Lighting design: Hafliði Emil Barðason

Choreography: Elísabet Skagfjörð

Útfærsla leikmyndar: Ingvar Guðni Brynjólfsson

Sound engineer: Haffi Tempó

Technician: Aron Martin Ásgerðarson

Photos: Eyþór Árnason

Duration: 40 minutes 

Age: Children from age 2 and their families.

Þorri og Þura jólaævintýri-24.jpeg

Þorri and Þura are preparing for Christmas. One day Grandpa asks them to take care of the Christmas Cristal, which is the source of the Christmas spirit. It doesn't go as planned, and Þorri and Þura manage to break it. Þorri and Þura embark on a journey to fix the Chrismas cristal and find the Christmas spirit in their heart.


This is a beautiful story that reminds us that small good deeds can make a big impact, and love is the strongest force in the world.

"Agnes and Sigrún are convincing in their roles of Þorri and Þura, they are child-like in their movements and sounds and the children in the hall really liked them. ... The set is extremely warm, colorful and beautiful, so are the costumes and puppets."


Past performances:

Tjarnarbíó 2019 and 2020

Live stream December 2020

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